Understanding Video Ratios for Facebook In-Stream Ads Monetization

Understanding Video Ratios for Facebook In-Stream Ads Monetization

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms for both individuals and businesses. It offers a powerful advertising platform that enables advertisers to reach their target audiences with highly-targeted ads. In-stream ads are one of the most effective types of ads on Facebook, and they can be monetized. However, to monetize your videos on Facebook in-stream ads, you need to use the correct video ratio.

In this blog post, we will explore the video ratio that allows you to monetize your videos on Facebook in-stream ads.

The Recommended Video Ratio for Facebook In-Stream Ads

The recommended video ratio for Facebook in-stream ads is 16:9 (horizontal). This video ratio is optimized for mobile devices, which is where the majority of Facebook users access the platform. Additionally, this ratio is also the standard for most widescreen displays, including televisions and computer monitors.

Using a 16:9 video ratio also ensures that your video looks great in both landscape and portrait mode. Facebook automatically crops videos to fit within the screen, but by using a 16:9 ratio, you can ensure that your video looks great no matter how it is viewed.

Video Ratios that Facebook Supports for In-Stream Ads

Facebook also supports other video ratios, such as 9:16 (vertical) and 1:1 (square). However, these ratios are not recommended for in-stream ads monetization, as they are not optimized for mobile viewing and may not look as good on larger screens.

If you are using a video with a different ratio, Facebook will automatically crop your video to fit within the 16:9 ratio. However, this can lead to parts of your video being cut off, and it may not look as good on different screen sizes.

Best Practices for Creating Videos for In-Stream Ads

Besides using the correct video ratio, there are other best practices to create videos that are eligible for monetization on Facebook in-stream ads. 

Here are some tips:

  • Keep your videos short and engaging, around 15-60 seconds.
  • Use subtitles or captions to make your videos accessible to a wider audience.
  • Focus on a clear message or call-to-action to encourage viewers to take action.

To monetize your videos on Facebook in-stream ads, you need to use the recommended 16:9 video ratio. This ratio is optimized for mobile viewing and will ensure that your videos look great on different screen sizes. Remember to follow best practices for creating videos that are eligible for monetization, such as keeping your videos short and engaging, using subtitles or captions, and focusing on a clear message or call-to-action. By doing so, you can create highly effective in-stream ads that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your advertising goals on Facebook

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>Written by:RB TECH

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